Sixty Foot Rock


Lattitude: 59°33'2.52''N (59.5507)
Longitude: 151°27'57.6''W (-151.4660)

Point of Interest, bird rookery, no camping or landing, often sea otters nearby, Please practice good stewardship and don't disturb the birds or animals

No landings allowed.  Great for bird and wildlife viewng.  Water viewing of birds and wildlife.  Watch for winds, ocean swells, hidden rocks and kelp beds, and high vessel traffic.  Keep appropriate distance from marine mammals.

Vessel Access:
For bird and wildlife viewing from water only.

Access Difficulty:
No access allowed.

Winds, ocean swells, big rocks.



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Dave Brann

10 years ago |

Dave Brann

This is a fun place to look for sea otter which often wrap up in the kelp. Also a good place to check out the birds that nest here.