Share Your Visit with KBWT!
We hope you enjoy visiting the Kachemak Bay Water Trail web site from wherever in the world you are, and we look forward to meeting you on the Trail in person soon!
We are eager for you to share your personal perspectives and experiences on the Bay by contributing your own photos, stories and other media.
In order to make it easy for you to share your written or audio stories, your still photos or your moving images with us, we have developed a few guidelines that will streamline your submissions and ensure that we give credit where credit is due.
Media Guidelines
Uploading Photos and Other Media
To upload your photos, videos, text and voice files or artwork: 1. click on the homepage Tab labeled Map that shows all the various KBWT sites, 2. Then click on the relevant site, 3. Click on the Photos tab, 4. Click on the Add Photo link, 5. Complete the Add Photo dialog box to upload your media. And you're done!
Media Use
We assume that when you upload any media to the KBWT website that you are providing us with the right to use your media to help promote the web site. We are all volunteers to the KBWT and value all contributions made to the KBWT project. So, we promise not to use any media you submit for any purpose other than for promotion of and education about the KBWT.
- Photography and art work: We accept JPEGs, PDFs and Tiffs. (JPEGs, or .jpg files, are the most universal and easily used.
- Include a location label and your name in the title of the photo.
(EG: Tutka Bay_TazTally.jpg.) - We accept a wide range of image dimensions. And Yes, your phone and tablet images are welcome!
- Include a location label and your name in the title of the photo.
- Text: Word Docs (.doc or .docx), Rich Text files (.RTF), Text files (.txt) and PDFs
- Video: Quicktime (.mov) or MPEG4 (.mp4) files.
- Digital Voice Files: (.mp3 or .wav files),
- Artwork, Maps and Drawings: Send as .pdf or jpg files.
Optional Nerdy Stuff: Metadata Contents
What IS "metadata" anyway? Basically, metadata is data about data! For example, an image may include metadata that describes how large the picture is, the color depth, the image resolution, when the image was created, and other data. A text document's metadata may contain information about how long the document is, who the author is, when the document was written, and a short summary of the document.
You may of course, add your own metadata to your files that include your copyright info (including email and www address) as well as specific permission for your media to be used for non-profit purposes only in associated with the Kachemak Bay Water Trail Association.
Additionally/optionally you may also include specific keyword location and content names in the Keywords area such as "Sea Star Cabin" and/or "Tutka Bay" and/or "Kayak". Inclusion of additional key words will allow for more focused searches when we are looking for location-specific images.
EXAMPLE: This is an example of the metadata used by professional photographer, Taz Tally, for the media he submits for water trail use.
Copyright 2012 by Taz Tally Photography, All rights reserved
Permission granted for non-profit use of this image by The Kachemak Bay Water Trail Association